I am constantly thinking of new potential talks that I would want to either give or convince others to give. Some of these have been on my list for almost a decade, while others are relatively recent ideas.

Roles on a web team

There is a big difference between roles, jobs, and titles. I cosider a role to be the atomic unit and they bunch up into a job. So for example, a role is “Writer of CSS” and that might be a part of the “Front end developer” job. It also might be a part of the “Designer” job. I want to look at all the roles that need to be filled (I think there are somewhere around 100-200) in order to build, launch, and maintain a website and how successful teams are able to define jobs.

Improv for Web Developers

It’s been a long time since I did improv, but many of the things I learned from it are foundational things I use every day. This could be participatory; this could be a disaster. Just like an improv scene.

This is likely closer to a lightening talk than a full talk.

Axioms for the Web

Axioms are ideas we use to start our reasoning that are so fundamentally true, we use them to define what is true. They come from a Greek term that roughly translates to ‘that which commends itself as evident.’ They are phrases as simple as: A + B = B + A. One look at this phrase and we understand the truth within it.

I want to expand on a lightening talk I did a few years ago to look at what things are so fundamentally true for websites that they define what is true.

DUX – Developer User Experience

What is the experience of contributing to and using your code base like and how can we use lessons from user experience design to influence ways in which we improve it?

Interviewing developers

I’ve refined my interview questions over the last decade and think it could be interesting to share these questions, perhaps even doing a mock interview on stage. I might even talk about questions I used to use and why I don’t use them any more.

Foundations of HTTP

A look at the http standard, how it has evolved to http/2, how it is evolving to http/3 and the foundational concepts of http verbs and status codes that are incredibly relevant to all web developers.

Get in touch if you would like for me to give one of these at an event you are organizing. None of these are fully flushed out so they will take some time, but I think there would be interest in all of them.