Yesterday: “That’s an interesting idea. Let’s discuss it during a meeting tomorrow”. Send out an email with one paragraph on the idea so they are prepared to discuss it. Meeting scheduled for noon.

11am:  I have a meeting in an hour. That’s enough time for me to make some good progress on this ticket.

11:45am: This is a a good stopping point. I’ll get some water and then check my email and hacker news.

11:58am: I have 5 more browser tabs than I had 10 minutes ago, but I should go online for this meeting. 

12:01pm:  I guess they are running a little late.  I’ll look at Twitter since there is no point in starting back on real work. My meeting is starting soon.

12:15pm:  Hmm, I wonder if this meeting is going to happen. I’ll look at Reddit.

12:30pm:  WTF.

12:35pm:  Seriously, WTF.

12:45pm: Great, now I’m going to be pissed off the rest of the afternoon and when I finally share my idea, I’m going to come off as an asshole.

1:00pm: Fuck everything.

1:15pm: Apology email from the higher up that blew you off. They suggest rescheduling the meeting for Friday. 

7pm: I could have left an hour ago if people had respected my time.