A lot goes on in WordPress Core development that doesn’t make it into the WordPress Profile Activity log. Here is a handful of the things I’ve worked on over the last month to give you an idea of what I have worked on. Many other contributors work on things that also don’t make it into the report, so it’s import to recognize that this screen is far from a good recognition of effort put into WordPress. This isn’t an exhaustive list (I wish I could remember everything).
- Organize the Field-Guide posts.
- Work with each author to help make sure they know the importance of the posts
- Review drafts to ensure the posts have quality information and wording is clear.
- Organize sending the email to all plugin authors about 4.5. This is worked on by the Core, Plugins Repo, and Meta teams.
- Work with Polyglots team to help publicize Global Translation Day.
- Work to help measure the impact of this email (so we can see if there are ways to be more effective in the future)
- Start documenting how this happens to reduce the bus factor
- During releases, remind people to not share the link to packages
- Provide some mentorship to a guest committer
- Review the credits list before the release
- Review News posts announcing release
- Draft Release Haikus (This is one of my favorite contributions)
- Help document release activities and steps (aka, the release checklist)
- Work with the Forums team on the OMGWTFBBQ! post
- Review and test patches for other committers to commit
- Help brainstorm the About Page and the release tagline
- Attend weekly dev chats and contribute during those
- Early-stage discussions around ways to help make core better serve the readers and commenters
- Participate in the first Feature Projects chat.
- Test various parts of WordPress
- Work to Recruit new contributors
- Be a sounding board for ideas from other contributors
As anyone who has ever worked on a project at scale knows, coding is just a small piece of the puzzle. While the work of WordPress generally happens in the open, it doesn’t always get logged.