In high school one of my favorite courses year in year out was broadcasting. We learned the technical and creative aspects of making radio, television and video. One of the main points that Mr. Wunderlich, our teacher, always drove home was the importance of segues and transitions. Moving between two shots or stories shouldn’t be a jump cut or feel abrasive to our viewers. It’s advice that made sense then and still makes sense today.

Fast Forward to now, and I just finished up one of those transition in life. At the end of last month I made one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I decided to stop working with some of the smartest and most talented people I have ever met and leave the AddThis team. It wasn’t an easy decision, but an opportunity came up that I needed to jump on.

Last week I joined Privia Health, a young company working on a serious problem: Keeping People Healthy. I’ll be filling the role of Senior Interactivity Engineer and focusing on building a great user experience and making it easier for my teammates to do the same. My new team is incredibly small, with the addition of me there only four members of the tech team. My new company is still at an early stage, just having closed a Series B in April. And there are going to be many challenges and opportunities for me. I can’t wait to face them.

I’ll miss the constant contact with my friends and coworkers at AddThis and the challenges of building in such a high scale environment, however the chance to join a team this early on that is aiming for such great things was too good to pass up. In Mr. Wunderlich’s class our work was broadcast on WMTH which had a motto of “We Make Things Happen”. Today I’m continuing to make things happen.