When you first start working with WordPress, you need to know that there are five languages you could be interacting with. You don’t need to be an expert at any of them (and in fact can want make amazing sites knowing none of them), but when you want to make a change to your theme or add a feature that no plugin exists for, it’s important to understand what each language is and how it fits in.

To start let’s take one step back and understand that WordPress is software that runs on a server and that allows users to manage content, and the content to be sent to a visitors browser.

Just had to get that little definition out there.  Now that we know that, let’s actually look at the four languages.

HTML – Hypertext Markup Language

This is the main form that the WordPress outputs the content (if we want to get specific, WordPress uses XHTML 1.0 for all it’s internal functions, but explaining that is beyond the purview of this document). HTML is a structured language that browsers can read to display a web page. Content is enclosed in tags that each have a specific meaning. Tags can (sometimes optionally and sometimes mandatory) contain a variety of attributes. An example of a tag is
[html]<a href="http://aaron.jorbin">Aaron Jorbin is cool</a>[/html]
Learning at least basic HTML is important if you want to be able to display content in a web browser. To learn more, I recommend:

CSS – Cascading Style Sheets

As the name hints, CSS is for styling a page. CSS allows you to style html elements. In WordPress, a theme’s style.css file is also the theme’s way of telling WordPress about the theme. If you open any theme’s style.css you notice that the comments at the top are structured in a key: value manner. CSS utilizes the ID’s, Classes and tags from your HTML. An example of some css is:
[css]#header ul{
width: 400px;
color: #990099;
border: 1px solid #009900;

This block will style all unordered lists that are inside an element with the header ID and give it a width of 400 pixels, color all the text with hex color 990099 and apply a 1 pixel solid border of the color 009900.

JS – JavaScript

Once the page is sent to a browser, if you want to make changes to how the page looks, you’re going to need to have the browser execute it. That’s where JavaScript comes in. JavaScript is primarily a client side scripting langauge. This allows it to change the way the page looks, such as by having a set of tabs that change the content of a panel or having an accordion that grows and collapses to show or hide some options. Am example of JavaScript is:
[javascript] $(document).ready(function(){
$(‘#contentheader’).click(function () {
$(‘#contentheader > h2’).toggleClass("hidden");
$(‘#contentheader &gt; h3’).toggleClass("hidden");
} );

PHP –PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

This is where the bulk of WordPress is written and the bulk of where the magic happens. WordPress includes a large amount of functions that plugins and themes can use from tasks as simple as echoing a posts title to creating a custom taxonomy for posts. If you’ve ever opened up your theme’s index.php file, you’ve seen text that looks like:

<img src="<?php header_image(); ?&gt;" width="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; ?&gt;" height="<?php echo HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; ?&gt;" alt="">

The is from the header.php file from Twenty Ten and controls the display of the header images.

To learn more about PHP, I recommend the following resources:

SQL – Structured Query Language

This is the language used to speak with Relational Databases.   In WordPress, this is used to add, retrieve, update or delete a post or option.  As the name would suggest, it’s a very structured language.  You say what you want to do, to which table you want to do it and how you want it to go down.  An example of sql is:
[sql]SELECT `option_value` FROM&nbsp;`wp_options` WHERE `option_name` = ‘siteurl’ LIMIT 0,1;[/sql]
Running this query will tell you what WordPress thinks your site’s url is (if you didn’t change your table prefix).    Some more resources for understanding SQL are:

I hope these resources give you a better idea of the languages used inside WordPress.